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One size doesn't fit all!

As you may have noticed; we are all so very different.

We all have such vast and differing genetic make-ups and we sure know that one size doesn’t fit all. So why when it comes to eating or ‘diets’ we think we are different and assume that what works for one, will work for all?

So often on social media and alike, we feel the need to comment on something that we see and put our 2-cents in. Sometimes it is wonderful and accurate advice, and almost always, there is beautiful, loving intent behind the comment. But often we forget, just because something has worked for you, your neighbour or your husbands, brothers, best friends neighbour; doesn’t mean it’s going to work for someone else.

We all have different nutritional requirements and we are all going to need different help and advice. Most, well almost everything I will post to an audience will be considered ‘general advice – something that is considered as best practice’ but individual nutritional advice, that’s a whole other ball game. That requires one on one consults, delving deeper into personal health circumstances and gathering information that is specially tailored to YOU!

So whilst your sisters, best-friends cat may appear to have so much more energy after only drinking purified water sourced from some exotic mountain in some other country, doesn’t mean it will or should work for you. Find what is best suited to YOU and run with that. Over time that may change, but for now if that works, is healthy and sustainable that’s an awesome start!

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